Posted on 6/28/2021
Your tires are the main source of traction between your vehicle and the road surface. That said, your car tires take a beating with everyday use and will eventually wear out. Given their importance in road safety, driving on old worn-out tires is a recipe for disaster. For instance, driving on old tires can make you lose control of your vehicle when driving, which is downright catastrophic. Of course, regular car and tire maintenance will keep you up to date on when your tires are worn out and require replacement. Here are some of the most common signs that your tires are due for replacement; Bald Tires Here is one of the most obvious signs that you need tire replacement. Your tires need to be sufficiently treaded to facilitate easy and safe driving, braking, and maneuvering. Your Car is Constantly Shaking and Vibrating Sure, you are going to experience some shaking when driving on rough, bumpy roads. However, if your vehicle shakes and wobbles even on pristine streets, it could b ... read more