Steering System Service & Repair Serving the Aldergrove, Langley & Abbotsford Area
Crompton’s Auto Care mechanics are steering system experts.
Crompton’s auto mechanics are professionally trained in the repair, service, and diagnosis of steering system problems. Symptoms of steering system problems include steering wheel slipping and difficulty steering. If you think you are having problems with your steering system, bring your car or truck Crompton’s where one of our licensed, expert mechanics and inspect your steering system and give you a detailed analysis and diagnosis.
Steering system repairs and services we provide include inspection, diagnosis, service and repair of both manual and power steering systems.
Crompton’s Auto Care Advantages
- Professional, Licensed Technicians
- Guaranteed Auto Repairs and Services
- Customer Care and Rewards Programs
- Complimentary Local Shuttle Service
- Environmentally Friendly Facilities
- Early Bird / Nite Owl Service
- 3 Years / 36,000 kilometers Nationwide Warranty