24-Hour Roadside Assistance
Terms & Conditions
Coverage for 24-Hour Roadside Assistance is given to you at no additional charge by Crompton’s Auto Care when you come in for service. The 24-Hour Roadside Assistance coverage begins on the date you receive your Crompton’s Auto Care Rewards Card and continues 365 days from that date. All services provided through the 24-Hour Roadside Assistance program are described below:
Covered Vehicle
Coverage is limited to motorized passenger-use vehicles and will be provided for 365 days from the date you receive your Crompton’s Auto Care Rewards Card when the vehicle owner, spouse and/or dependent children are carrying the valid card.
Covered Vehicles exclude: vehicles with a manufacturer’s load rating capacity greater than one ton. Any vehicle with a load capacity of one ton or greater designed for, built for or used in a private recreational or commercial application including but not limited to Class A (or Type A) Motor Homes and Class C (or Type C) Motor Homes. Any motorcycles. Any emergency service vehicle, any vehicle used for hire, towing, construction or postal service. Any vehicle used for farm, ranch, agriculture, or off-road use (off-road use is described as driving on anything that is not a paved or gravel road maintained by the state or local authority). All terrain vehicles (ATVs), campers, trailers, and vehicles in tow.
How to Obtain Roadside Assistance
If you are in need of roadside assistance, call the toll-free number found on your Crompton’s Rewards Card. This toll-free number provides access to roadside assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You will need to provide your valid membership number as it appears on your membership card. You will be issued a four digit access code which you will need to provide to the dispatcher in order to receive services.
Covered Services
Benefit Limit per occurrence for covered services is $75.00 per disablement and is limited to one roadside assistance claim per 365-day period. You must call the toll-free number found on your Crompton’s Rewards Card for roadside assistance to be eligible for service.
When towing is necessary, the disabled Covered Vehicle will be towed to the nearest qualified repair facility or to the repair facility of your choice.
Lock-Out Assistance: Assistance will be provided in unlocking the Covered Vehicle in the event the keys are lost or locked inside.
Flat Tire Assistance: If the Covered Vehicle’s spare tire is serviceable, it will be installed to replace the flat tire. If the disabled Covered Vehicle has no serviceable spare, or if it has two or more flat tires, the vehicle will be towed.
Fuel, Oil, Fluid and Water Delivery Service: An emergency supply of gasoline (where permitted), oil, fluid and water will be delivered to any Covered Vehicle in immediate need. The customer must pay for the costs of the actual fluids delivered.
Battery Jump-Start: If a battery failure occurs, a battery jump-start will be provided to start the Covered Vehicle.
Service Limits & Requirements
A benefit limit of seventy-five ($75.00) dollars per occurrence applies to all roadside assistance services. Your 24-Hour Roadside Assistance coverage includes up to one (1) covered occurrence per Covered Vehicle per 365-day period as defined above.
Your membership is intended to cover emergencies and is not intended to be a substitute for proper vehicle maintenance or repair.
The driver of the Covered Vehicle must be with the Covered Vehicle when the service provider arrives, as roadside assistance cannot be provided to an unattended vehicle. If the driver is not with the Covered Vehicle, there may be an associated fee not covered under the terms of this program.
Services Not Covered
- Repair or damage to the Covered Vehicle.
- Cost of parts, replacement keys, lubricants, fluids; cost of installation of products or materials.
- Tire repair or non-emergency mounting or removing of any tires, snow tires, or chains.
- Service on a vehicle that is not in a safe condition to be towed. Impound towing or towing by other than an authorized service provider; vehicle storage charges. Any additional labor related to towing due to specialized equipment or processes required to transport your Covered Vehicle due to non-factory modifications or enhancements made to the Covered Vehicle. Towing from or repair work performed at a service station, garage or repair shop. Towing by other than a licensed service station or garage. A second tow for the same disablement. Towing or service on roads not regularly maintained, such as sand beaches, open fields, forests, and areas designated as not passable due to construction, etc. Towing at the direction of a law enforcement officer relating to traffic obstruction, impoundment, abandonment, illegal parking, or other violations of law. Traffic fines, citations or penalties.
- Coverage shall not be provided in the event of emergencies resulting from the use of intoxicants or narcotics, or the use of the Covered Vehicle in the commission of a felony.
- Any roadside assistance services provided to the Covered Vehicle by a private citizen’s assistance is not covered and is not reimbursable.
- Non-emergency towing or other non-emergency service.
Service Providers
This 24-Hour Roadside Assistance program operates through a network of contracted service providers who have agreements to perform road and towing service. As independent contractors, they have exclusive control over their own equipment and personnel. Neither this program, nor the participating automotive service facility, is responsible for acts or omissions of independent contractors.